Dark Dots – Project for After Effects (Videohive)

DarkDots_ImagePreviewDark Dots – Project for After Effects (Videohive)
After Effects Version CS6 – CC 2015 | 1920×1080 | 9 April 15 | Plugins Trapcode Particular | 337MB

Demo :http://playreplay.me/video/5a261.394622645141d8fee5a0f820674a

Sequence of titles for action or horror movie, also works like opener

Full HD (1920?1080) resolution (or if you prefer it 720p)

Not plug-in required (Iincludes the version with plugin: you need Trapcode Particular and Optical Flares)

You only must insert the names and ready

1 min long

Compatible with After Effects CS6 or CC

The file contains: – 8 animations of particles in 1080p – 14 titles – Video tutorial of how modifying it


